Thijs Biersteker: voice of nature
NXT museum
Wat zijn de consequenties van een lockdown op ons onderbewustzijn en op welke manier beïnvloed dit onze dromen?
Refik Anadol
Skalar Christoper Bauder & Kangding ray
He is working in the fields of site-specific public art with parametric data sculpture approach and live audio/visual performance with immersive installation approach, particularly his works explore the space among digital and physical entities by creating a hybrid relationship between architecture and media arts with machine intelligence.
the weather project-Olafur Eiliasson
In the weather project Olafur focusses on tricking the mind and designing space in away to make it seem larger then It actually is.

This is interesting because this underlines the importance of light and space when creating installations
Waterlicht - Daan Roosegaarde
WATERLICHT is the dream landscape about the power and poetry of water. As a virtual flood, WATERLICHT shows how high the water level could reach. WATERLICHT is a collective experience to remind us of the importance of water innovation and the impact of climate change.
SKALAR is a large-scale art installation that explores the complex impact of light and sound on human perception.
Project: dreams